楼主 |
发表于 2022-5-18 17:15:47
Thank you for reporting this false positive.
We have now cleared its reputation in our database based on the findings and removed the detection. This change may take up to 24 hours to take full effect. Please accept our apology for the inconvenience caused.
If the detection persists after 24 hours, update the virus database in your anti-virus and reply to this email with the attached files:
1.Take a screenshot of the detection dialog (Threat Secured pop-up with See details - displayed at the bottom).
2.Take a screenshot of the current virus database (open your antivirus and go to Menu > About).
We hope you have a nice day and stay safe online.
Miguel Salazar
Malware Analysis Team
AVAST Software
Enterprise Office Center, Pirktova 1737/1a, 140 00, Prague 4, Czech Republic